To uninstall SentinelOne on a Windows PC: 

  1. Open the Start Menu and type “Add”
    Ensure that “Add or remove programs” is highlighted and press the Enter key
  2. A new Apps & Features window will open. Scroll through the list of apps until you find “Sentinel Agent”
  3. Click Sentinel Agent to select it, then click “Uninstall”

  4. Confirm the uninstallation by clicking Uninstall again.

  5. If prompted for uninstall verification, select “Online Verification, then click “Uninstall”

  6. You may receive a popup notification indicating that you do not have permission to complete the uninstall. After the uninstall is approved online, it will complete automatically. After it completes, click “Finish” to complete the uninstall.

You have successfully installed SentinelOne!

– Other Walkthrough Links –

Windows SentinelOne Uninstallation

Windows SentinelOne Installation

MacOS SentinelOne Installation