Introducing LeafTech’s CSR, Danielle
September 10, 2019

Imagine this: It’s Friday afternoon, right before a long holiday weekend, you have a million and one things left to finish in your day, but all of a sudden your email stops working or maybe your internet went down. You find yourself starting to go into complete panic – but then you remember, LeafTech is on your team! 

At LeafTech, we understand that life happens and electronic devices can fail at the worst possible moment. I am proud to be part of a team that diligently provides for our clients’ needs, and goes above and beyond to keep panic mode at bay. Part of how we accomplish this is with superior customer service, and striving for clear communication throughout every part of the consulting process.

When I joined LeafTech, I started to figure out that communication would be a focus when I learned about “The 5 C’s”. One of the fundamental tenets of LeafTech’s values, three of the five C’s are actually the same word – communication! We’re constantly communicating with one another and always striving to help each other succeed in every way possible. Focusing on communication helps us succeed in everything from managing large complex projects to the quality of our everyday operations, especially in my position here at LeafTech. 

My name is Danielle, I’m the Customer Service Representative of LeafTech, and I am here to make sure your phone calls and emails are answered promptly, no matter how big or how small the issue may seem. If we took a look behind the scenes, my day is spent staying in constant contact with all of my team members to triage issues flowing in to support and get your requests into the hands of the consultant best suited for the job. 

If you’re calling the support line, there is a very high possibility that I will be picking up on the other end. Everything that you share with me, I make sure that I relay right over to the consultant that is assigned to your ticket, this way we can make sure we can solve your issue quickly and efficiently. Think of me as a chess player – constantly looking for the next move that will help you the most. 

Besides the drive this team has to do our best in every situation, I love that when the going gets tough, we try to always keep a positive attitude and a smile on our face here at LeafTech. I couldn’t have asked for a better team to have my back, and believe me, they really do. We are able to keep our heads down and focused on what we need to accomplish for our clients, but we always make time to enjoy the company of our LeafTeam. Whether it is a compliment from a co-worker in passing or a surprise pizza party to reward our hard work – my time at LeafTech has felt like joining a family. Thanks for being a part of our family too!

Written by Danielle Voll
Picture by Alia Davis